Parkland County has utilized provincial and federal grants to construct a wireless communications network. This network is comprised of 20 towers for service providers to collocate on, thereby extending wireless broadband and mobility coverage. The towers are designed to serve a full range of rural communications service providers, including broadband (internet), mobility (cell), public safety (fire, police, ambulance), and enterprise customers. 

This tower use model is intended to accommodate providers that offer different wireless services to residents and businesses, otherwise known as an Open Access Network (OAN). The county is not a Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP), but instead provides infrastructure for the use of WISPs in return for rent (which covers the operating costs of the towers)49. Parkland is the first county in Canada to pioneer this model. Parkland now faces the challenge of improving network capacity at each tower using fibre, and encouraging a competitive service environment for ISPs50.


49Parkland County. SMART Parkland Intelligent Community. Accessed 8 July 2016.

50Parkland County. Phone conversation with Barb Scully, Connected Communities Coordinator, 12 July 2016.

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