Much of the power of Openstack is in the suite of application program interfaces (APIs) allowing the same functionality of the dashboard with the advantage of automating much of the provisioning process with only a few commands. Using the API means that all the actions can be  added to a script that can be called to automatically and repeatedly build instances. You can also create template-like scripts so that with only minor modification to instance name, image and volume size, it is possible to build other instances and volumes quickly and without the need for clicking through the dashboard.

Installing command-line tools

Before the tools are installed, you will want an environment that can use Python, as all of the Openstack command-line tools are written in that language. This can be your local desktop or it could be a virtual machine in the Rapid Access Cloud. The instructions outlined below will assume a Ubuntu 14.04 instance in the Rapid Access Cloud, a virtual machine running on your desktop or a native Ubuntu desktop.

From an Ubuntu 14.04 command-line:

  1. Install Python package management (pip) and required packages: 

    $ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
  2. Install Openstack command-line tools using pip: 

    $ sudo pip install python-openstackclient

Openrc file

The ‘rc’ in rc file stands for any or all of the following:

Using an rc file to outline your Rapid Access Cloud credentials allows you to pass your credentials to the cloud without needing to include them in your scripts. In fact, the rc file is a simple bash script that creates environment variables in your shell to be used by the openstack command (the ‘open’ in openrc). The environment variables, once set, exist only for the current session. If you open another concurrent session on the computer or log-out and back in, you will need to source the openrc file again.

You can download a pre-generated openrc file from the dashboard, or create one if you are unable to download from the dashboard.

Download openrc

  1. Log-in to the Rapid Access Cloud dashboard at

  2. In the left-hand panel under “Compute”, click “Access & Security”.

  3. Click the “API Access” tab at the top then click the “Download Openstack RC file” on the right.

  4. The file downloaded will be named after your account name, e.g. <email>@<domain> This can be renamed to openrc if you like, or you can copy it and modify it so you can have one for the Calgary region and one for the Edmonton region. The rc file downloaded will be keyed for the region you are signed into in the dashboard.

Create openrc

You can use the downloaded rc file as a template or create one from scratch. The OS_USERNAME and OS_TENANT_NAME variables are the same; each will be the email address for your Rapid Access Cloud account.

Copy and paste the region-appropriate rc file. This openrc file will require you to enter your password each time you source the file, however you can modify the file if you like to include the password.

Keep this file secure if you are keeping your password in plain text!

Calgary openrc

export OS_REGION_NAME="Calgary"
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_USERNAME="<account_username>"
export OS_TENANT_NAME="<account_username>"
echo "Please enter your OpenStack Password: "

Edmonton openrc

export OS_REGION_NAME="Edmonton"
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_USERNAME="<account_username>"
export OS_TENANT_NAME="<account_username>"
echo "Please enter your OpenStack Password: "

openstack client

This tutorial will walk through some of the steps outlined in the Basic Guide in building a single instance from scratch, with some notes about alternative functionality that each command offers, to show how flexible using the OpenStack command line client is.

The structure of the openstack command is fairly logical and intuitive. The OpenStack documentation project has a comprehensive outline on how the command is used, and help is available through the command for quick reference:

$ openstack help

Before getting started, be sure to source your openrc file.

key pairs

security groups


Most of the commands for manipulating and managing instances is with openstack server. This command is quite extensive, allowing creation, deletion, starting, stopping, adding/removing security groups, adding/removing volumes and more. Refer to the OpenStack server command-object documentation for more information. openstack flavor list, openstack flavor show <flavor_name> and openstack image list, openstack image show ‘<image_name>’ can provide information as to what flavors and images are available.

floating IPs

As discussed previously, networking with respect to the assignment of IP addresses in the Rapid Access Cloud is handled automatically during provisioning, with the exception of public IPv4 addresses referred to as floating IPs in OpenStack. There is a single pool that floating IPs are allocated from, named ‘nova’ and by default each project is permitted a single IP from this pool:



OpenStack instances are intended to be ephemeral, that is the storage associated with the instance is not meant to retain data for any length of time.

The root storage for an instance is solely for volatile application data such as kernel operations and applications. Rapid Access Cloud users are provided with a default 500GB of storage that can be used in the form of volumes to be attached to instances and treated no differently by the instance than an internal hard drive would be to a bare-metal server. Attaching volumes to instances is handled by the openstack server command detailed under managing instances. For volume backup, see managing snapshots and images.

snapshots and images

While it is true that instances in the Rapid Access Cloud are intended to be ephemeral, it is still possible to capture the state of an instance at any moment and save it as an image that can in turn be provisioned in a similar fashion to deploying a new instance using openstack server create as outlined above. This permits the ability to back-up an instance for safe keeping or create a base image with required applications already installed if you want to rapidly deploy many instances with a similar role. Volume snapshots are point-in-time stateful ‘freeze’ of a volume, meaning the volume itself cannot be attached after a snapshot is taken. (see volumes above for creating new volumes from snapshots)

Before snapshotting your instance, make sure it is in a shut-off state.

Note about volume snapshots: Notice the use of the --force switch when taking a snapshot of an attached volume; the snapshot will work and not fail, however if there are open files being actively written to the validity of the data being cloned cannot be guaranteed.


OS X tools


  1. Ensure you have the Developer Tools (Xcode) with the Command Line Tools for OS X.

  2. Open the Terminal application.

  3. Install pip (a package management system for software packages written in python): 

     $ sudo easy_install pip
  4. Install the openstack command line tool: 


$ pip install --user python-openstackclient

      5. Add the following to .bashrc:

export PATH=$PATH:/Users<username>/Library/Python/2.7/bin
export PYTHONPATH=/Users/<username>/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages