Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Commands to be entered at a command prompt will be prefixed with a ‘$

  • File name paths are indicated as /path/to/<some_file_or_command>


  1. Create account
  2. Create a key pair
  3. Modify the default security group
  4. Launch an instance
  5. Requesting, Allocating, and
  6. associating floating
  7. Associating Floating IPs
  8. Log
  9. in
  10. In
  11. Create a
  12. volume
  13. Volume
  14. Attach a
  15. volume
  16. Volume
  17. Use a
  18. volume
  19. Volume


Create Account

Access to the Rapid Access Cloud is provided by third-party Federated identity providers: Google Identity Platform and Canadian Access Federation.


  1. Log-in to the Rapid Access Cloud dashboard at

  2. In the left-hand panel click on “Compute”.

  3. Click the “Key Pair” tab, then click “+Create Key Pair”.

  4. Enter a <key_pair_name>, then click “Create Key Pair”. The browser will automatically download a file named <key_pair_name>.pem.

  5. Move or save this file on your computer somewhere you will remember. It will be used when accessing instances created with this key pair. 


If this key file is saved to an operating system that uses file-system permissions (Unix, Linux, BSD, OSX) then make sure the permissions are set appropriately. Typically, the .ssh directory permissions ought to be set to 700 (drwx------) and the private key (*.pem) should be 600 (-rw-------). To change the permissions of the downloaded key to 600, do:

Code Block
$ chmod 600 /path/to/<key_pair_name>.pem



About key pairs

Key pairs are a set of mathematically generated strings, one is the private key and the other is the public key. The key pairs that are used in the Rapid Access Cloud are ssh keys generated by the OpenStack dashboard, keeping the public key to be injected as needed into new instances, and the private key is the *.pem file automatically downloaded by the browser in the steps above. If you already have a key pair suited for use, import that key by following the steps in the Advanced Guide. 

A detailed explanation of public-key cryptography is out of the scope of this document; 
this will help you understand it better.  


Security Groups

Security groups are the policies that deny access to the network ports of an instance. Security groups are therefore firewalls for instances, with a set of default policies that block all access to each port from any source, including the computer you are using to access the Rapid Access Cloud dashboard. Before an instance can be accessed the appropriate ports will need to be opened and a source IP address or range of addresses will need to be configured.


Requesting, Allocating and associating floating IPs

If the default public IPv6 address is not sufficient for your use case, public IPv4 addresses are available. By default a new Rapid Access Cloud account does not have a quota permitting a public IPv4 address. Please see the IP address section above for testing whether IPv6 is a limitation for access to your resources.

Requesting a floating IP address

To request a floating IP address you can fill out a form on the dashboard by:


rac-admin will be notified and we will process your quota change request as soon as possible.

Allocating a floating IP address

If your project does have have quota for a floating IP, the floating IP is not allocated to your automatically. You will need to allocate a floating IP to your project. Given the scarcity of the addresses for Cybera (and indeed, the world), addresses allocated to projects that have gone unused for three months will be reclaimed, however you are welcome to allocate an IP address again if needed.

  1. Log-in to the Rapid Access Cloud dashboard at

  2. In the left-hand panel under “Compute”, click “Instances”.

  3. Click the Action drop-down button on the right-hand side and select “Associate Floating IP”.

  4. Click on the “+” sign next to “Select an IP address”.

  5. There is only one pool of addresses available (nova) and the quota shows only one IP address from that pool, so simply click “Allocate IP”.

  6. After the IP address has been allocated, click the “Associate” button the the right hand side. Under the Instances summary, your Instance should now have three IP addresses, including a publicly accessible IPv4 address.

Associating the floating IP address to other instances 

Given the ease of creating and destroying instances, along with the possibilities of changing needs, moving the IPv4 address around may be required. Once the address is allocated to a project, it can be assigned to any instance associated with the project. When an instance is destroyed, the associated IP address remains allocated to the project. Simply follow the steps above to associate the IP address with a new instance, omitting the steps for allocating the address (steps 4 and 5).


You should verify that the snapshotting process has worked following completion. Check the size of the snapshot as it should be at least several hundred MB in size. Also consider test launching an instance from the snapshot in order to ensure the process concluded successfully.

Exporting a Snapshot

If you would like to take an instance snapshot to a different cloud, or a different account within the Rapid Access Cloud, you can use the OpenStack cli tool to export the snapshot image.

  1. In a terminal, with the openstack cli tools installed, and the openrc file sourced, type: openstack image list 
  2. In the list of returned images take the ID for the snapshot you have crated and run: openstack image save --file export.qemu $id # Where $id is the ID from the command above.

The above will save your image as export.qemu in the folder you ran the command. You can then upload that image to a new account or another cloud. 


Object storage 

Users may also use the Object Storage service to back-up their data. See this document for more information.
