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docker-machine is a utility that can automate the installation of Docker on a remote host. You can use docker-machine to easily deploy Docker to a virtual machine in the Rapid Access Cloud.

Table of Contents

Setting up Machine on Your Workstation

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STEP - I:  Setting up Machine environment


  1. Download and Install a compatible version of docker


  1. from
2. Follow the steps to install Openstack command line tools at
3. Create a file using below script
export OS_REGION_NAME="Calgary"
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_USERNAME="<account_username>"
export OS_TENANT_NAME="<account_username>"
echo "Please enter your OpenStack Password: "
You can modify below values in above file and save it as .sh
REGION_NAME can be Calgary or Edmonton
OS_USERNAME is your openstack username 
OS_TENANT_NAME is also your openstack username 

Once modified, run  $ source filepath

Login with your RAC password

  1. Install the OpenStack command-line tools.
  2. Download an openrc file.
    1. Set the OS_TENANT_ID and OS_TENANT_NAME to the same values as OS_PROJECT_ID and OS_PROJECT_NAME
    2. Add export OS_DOMAIN_ID=default

Create a Security Group

Log in to the RAC Dashboard. Then, either create 4. Create a new security group or add new values in default  to the default security group to allow port 80and port 2376 in your RAC’s default security group.Image Removed:

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Port 80 used by HTTP for our app

Port 2376 is used by docker application

5. Select required flavor, image and other options. 

Determine the favor and image you want to use

In a terminal, use the below commands to see the Use below commands will show us available flavors and images on in RAC.   

$ openstack flavor list 

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$ source /path/to/your/rc/file
$ openstack flavor list 
$ openstack image list

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STEP - II: Provisioning Docker host

1. Check if Docker Machine responds to commands and can find the required driver. It also shows you the options you can configure. 

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2. After you have selected all the options you want to configure.


For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use an m1.small flavor and the Ubuntu 18.04 image.

Provisioning Docker host

Run the following command:

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$ docker-machine create -d openstack 




Example :




  --openstack-image-name "Ubuntu


 18.04" --openstack-floatingip-pool








  --openstack-ssh-user  ubuntu RAC

Once the machine is successfully created run below command to see if Instance is running.

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$ docker-machine ls


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And you should see output similar to the following:

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3. After the host is provisioned , check the server environment with the following command.:

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$ docker-machine env RAC

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4. Then run:

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$ eval $(docker-machine env


(This will override our built-in docker settings to point to our new machine)



Configuring and building the application image. 

1. Run the below commands to create an application folder:

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$ mkdir


$ cd myapp (go into myapp folder)

$ cd myapp

2. Create a  file named named Dockerfile.

$ nano Dockerfile (create a file called Dockerfile)


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$ vi Dockerfile

# Alternatively, you can use nano:
$ nano Dockerfile

Copy below script into your Dockerfile:

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FROM ubuntu:16.04


MAINTAINER yourname <youremail>


RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apache2 && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*




USER  www-data










FILE  /var/run/apache2/








DIR  /var/lock/apache2












COPY index.html /var/www/html




CMD ["/usr/sbin/apache2", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]


4. In the same application folder  folder, create a file called called index.html

$ nano index.html (create a file called index.html)


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<!DOCTYPE html>


<html lang="en">




    <meta charset="UTF-8">


    <title>First APP</title>






    <h1>This is 


an imageapp container</h1>





5. After doing all the configuration run  $ docker build -t imagename .   to build an application image.



Next, run:

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$ docker build -t appimage .


Verify the image exists:

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$ docker images

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6. Once the image is created run  $ docker images to see the list of  images.


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Deploying containers to Docker host remotely

1. After creating To deploy the application image , we will create a container running apache instance inside. 

docker run --name container_name  -i  -t image_name

Example:  docker run --name my_first_apache_instance -i -t imageapp

2. Now run $ docker ps to see our newly build container.

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3. To run our newly created container on port 80 run   $ docker run -p 80:80 image_name

Example:  $ docker run -p 80:80 appimage

4. You can open your browser and type localhost or ip of your instance to see your application running in container. 

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You can also see your container  by logging into your Docker-machine instance.

$ docker-machine ssh <server_name>

Example: $ docker-machine ssh RAC

Once connected to server run $ sudo docker ps -all to see all available containers. 

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Then type Exit and hit Enter

NOTE: In these examples we have not configured all the options of docker-image. 

Type $ docker-machine  create --help to see all the options you can configure.

This tutorial assumes that you have the following already in place:

  • A RAC account.

  • A stable internet connection.


to your Docker host, run:

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$ docker run --name myapp -i -t -p 80:80 appimage

Verify the container is running with the following command:

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$ docker ps -a

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Type in the IP address of your instance (either a Floating IP address or your IPv6 address) in your web browser to see your container running:

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You can also log in to your docker host directly by running:

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$ docker-machine ssh RAC